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Friday, April 12, 2013

False Alarm... It's Really NOT Spring

            I was so hoping that Spring has arrived in northeast Iowa... but it only lasted about 36 hours and Winter returned with a vengeance. I woke to a light coating of snow this morning after days and days of cold, chilly rain accompanied with thunder and lots of lightening. Owen and I did not care for the late night thunderstorm. Emma slept through the entire storm.

        I worked on Rachel Howells and completed all the leaves in the border and the border met... Yay!

            I was a bit distracted when a package arrived in the mail. Amy Mitten sent the Mermaid Treasures kit for her on-line Tutorial.

      Look at all those lovely goodies we received in the kit! We've also received the first two lessons. Nothing exciting to post photos about yet... just lots of basting on the two pieces of linen so we'll be all set to go on to the more interesting stitching.  If you aren't familiar with Amy's Mermaid Treasures check out her website photos of the pieces we will be creating. Mermaid Treasures Tutorial

     I think my quilting mojo has finally returned... and it's about time! It's been a very long time since my rotary cutter and mat have seen the light of day. It felt good to iron quilting fabric and start cutting today. I did make a couple of Ooops... but I'm not going to be too hard on myself... after all my skills are a bit rusty. I'm sure it won't take long to get back up to speed. 

    My frog prince will help me over the rough spots.

      Despite the never ending wet, dreary weather the pups and I have been getting out for longer walks in the morning. Emma crashes on the couch the moment we get back home!

      Emma and I would like to wish you all a wonderful weekend. We hope you have time to do those things you love, spend time with the people and furkids  you love and maybe even a few minutes to spare for a well deserved nap.
     Until next time.... 
