The Queen's Crowns
Emma reminded me that she never received her crown, that she had requested from Santa, for Christmas.
She wasn't so sure who this 'Gloriana' was and immediately requested I dash off an e-mail to her Godmama, Paulette, to inquire why her name wasn't on the sampler, after all, who was more deserving of a sampler of many crowns than SHE.
Paulette, being a sweetheart and a very indulgent Godmama, charted a very special sampler for Emma.
The Queen's Crowns - Plum Street Samplers
45 ct. Society Charm by Lakeside Linens
Hand-Dyed Soie Surfine
Emma is thrilled with HER Sampler and hasn't missed a beat in gloating about her good fortune to Owen.
I told her that we might have to wait a bit before getting HER sampler framed. Emma, my little Drama Queen, would have none of that...
Being the indulgent Mom that I am... Emma's Sampler went to the framers today. A beautiful Royal Golden frame has been chosen for this very special sampler. Don't be sad Owen... remember... Mom sings a very special song... just for you.
I think I'm going to have to ban Emma from sitting on my lap while I browse the blogs. Look what she saw last night...
Yes Emma.... I'll make you your own very special quilt.... and life goes on at Corgi Cottage.