Have you all seen the wonderful happenings on the PS ABC Blog? I admire all of the stitchers that are stitching this huge project over one! Yikes... that's a lot of over one stitching. I knew that I wasn't up to the challenge, but I did want to try my hand at some over one stitching.
Prairie Schooler
2006 Santa
32 ct. Green Mountain Muffin linen
DMC - one over one
I was surprised at how well I was able to stitch one over one on the Green Mountain linen. I've been discouraged, in the past, from stitching one over one because it was such a struggle to get my stitches to lay nicely. I think the key to over one stitching is the choice of linen. I still have a nice chunk of the GM Muffin and I think I'll save it for some future stitching of the PS Santa series. I plan on sending the stitched Santa to Deb for finishing. Wouldn't a feather tree filled with PS Santas look fabulous?
I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to comment on my plans for stitching and quilting in 2010. You all have such faith and confidence in my abilities to meet the challenges I've set for myself. I hope I don't dissapoint.
There were a couple of questions that I'd like to answer.
Jancan asked if I use a magnifying glass. I use a Dazor magnifying light for my stitching. I have an Ott light on my sewing machine table for additional light for machine piecing. I also have a standing Ott light next to my reading chair for use when hand sewing my quilt bindings.
Melissa asked for some details on the AAWFAA SAL. Mel... just jump in when you have the chance. This is a very relaxed SAL with no rules or regulations. It's all about enjoying the journey. None of us need any more deadlines or must-do's in our lives. So... we'd love for you to join us when you can!
I plan on doing an update post sometime over the weekend. It will be a progress post to see how much I've accomplished... if anything... on my 2010 quilting and stitching challenges.
Wishing you all lots of stitching and quilting time!