Charts for Sale

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mary's Village Square

      I've put the final stitches into Mary Allen... and enjoyed stitching the village square portion of the sampler the most.
  Mary Allen - 1818
Samplers Remembered
34 ct. Legacy Oaten Scone
NPI silks
I also spent a little time with Ann Grant...
 Ann Grant 1829
Shakespeare's Peddler
40 ct. Lakeside Sand Dune
Silks as Charted 
But the falling leaves outside of Corgi Cottage turned my thoughts to seasonal stitching.

 I finally narrowed my choice down to one of the latest  Pineberry Lane designs.

 Autumn on Marigold Lane
Pineberry Lane
30 ct R&R Old Town Blend
Overdyed Cottons

Why, even though we have at least one hundred skeins of overdyed cotton floss in our stash, do we never have all the necessary colors for the design we've chosen to stitch? That was the dilemma I faced when kitting up Marigold Lane. I even went as far as to search through already kitted up designs in the hopes of finding what I needed. I ended up subbing a few of the colors with what I already had in my stash.
But... the search for missing floss colors ended up in the discovery of Phebe's Forest. I started it who knows how long ago, but didn't get very far. It was stuffed into a bag with the chart and DMC... all wrinkled and unloved. Not for long though... here's this sweet design all stitched and pressed.

Phebe's Forest
The City Stitcher
40 ct Lakeside Examplar
I haven't decided what to stitch next. Another seasonal design? Return to one of my many WIPs? I'm sure something will catch my interest before the day is done. 
Emma and Owen had a visit from one of their favorite people. Izzy, my brother's granddaughter, stopped by earlier this month. 

Can you tell the camera is not Owen's best friend?
I'll close out this post today with a snap of Emma and Owen's friend Tildy, a very sweet Labradoodle that lives next door.